
communicating sequential processes

This is an unfinished review of the book Communicating Sequential Processes by C. A. R. Hoare.

I’d like to quote Dijkstra on how enlightening this book is.

The most profound reason, however, was keenly felt by those who had seen earlier drafts of his manuscript, which shed with surprising clarity new light on what computing science could—or even should—be. To say or feel that the computing scientist’s main challenge is not to get confused by the complexities of his own making is one thing; it is quite a different matter to discover and show how a strict adherence to the tangible and quite explicit elegance of a few mathematical laws can achieve this lofty goal. It is here that we, the grateful readers, reap to my taste the greatest benefits from the scientific wisdom, the notational intrepidity, and the manipulative agility of Charles Antony Richard Hoare.

The book

I can’t agree with Yufei Zhao more on the importance of good-story telling in papers/monographs/textbooks.

Writing a good math paper should be like telling an engaging story. Who are the characters? What are their drives? Who are the villains? Where are the obstacles? Conflict? Suspense? Climax? Ending?

I think Communicating Sequential Processes is an excellent example of how an engaging story can be told in a monograph.


The motivation of Communicating Sequential Processes is noble. Hoare stated it in the Chapter Discussion.

The main objective of my research into communicating processes has been to find the simplest possible mathematical theory with the following desirable properties

  1. It should describe a wide range of interesting computer applications, from vending machines, through process control and discrete event simulation, to shared-resource operating systems.
  2. It should be capable of efficient implementation on a variety of conventional and novel computer architectures, from time-sharing computers through microprocessors to networks of communicating microprocessors.
  3. It should provide clear assistance to the programmer in his tasks of specification, design, implementation, verification and validation of complex computer systems.

Let me paraphrase it. CSP aims to present a mathematical theory which is able to model various interesting computer applications. This model is efficiently implementable. Guided with the principles of this theory, computer programmer can easily implement concurrent computer programs, whose correctness can be statically validated and is formally verifiable.

This is quite intriguing.


The presentation is terse and to the point. Most concepts are start from first principle, which can be overwhelming.

The first chapter starts with what a process is and how to define it formally. It was like rethinking recursions and integers purely in terms of functions. You wonder how far we can go and will be continuously amazed by the progress you made.

TODO: finish this.


Real world

Message-passing over shared memory

What’s it?

Don’t communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating.

Why is it better?

  • Shared memory: implicit dependencies, state spill.
  • Message-passing: explicit state transition, better encapsulation.
  • Shared memory is impossible in distributed and heterogeneous environment, see multikernel.

relationship with actors

CSP and Actors actually do not differ so much. Occam, a language which closely follows the principles of CSP, can be readily recognized as an actor model implementation. According to Rob Pike,

Erlang’s model (aka actors) is very close to the original, pre-channels CSP ca. 1978. As said, Erlang “stems from CSP”.

See also, Communicating sequential processes, Actor model and process calculi history, and Bell Labs and CSP Threads.

Let us briefly describe the similarity and difference on their common implementations (say akka and go).


  • processes: they are all based on lightweight processes (respectively actors and processes).
  • communication: the processes communicate with each other by concurrent queues (respectively mailboxes and channels).


  • Communication channel (mailboxes) are associated with the actor in actor model, while go channel lives by itself. Early version of CSP is like go channel, while latter version of CSP is like akka actor mailbox. Bundling mailboxes with actors provides better encapsulation.

  • Mailboxes are by default asynchronous, while channels can be used to synchronize. Sending actor messages is non-blocking. In the CSP model, the sender and receiver can synchronize with each other by a channel, e.g. it is a common practice to use a done channel to notify some task in done in go.

  • An actor requires an identity, while goroutines are anonymous. We can send an actor messages by resolving ActorRefs. This is especially useful in communicating processes across nodes.

go’s implementation of CSP

  • Some useful CSP concepts are not implemented, for instance, pipes (like Unix pipes, but for CSPs), subordinate (like subroutines, but for CSPs).
  • Channels are not associated with processes.
  • Formal verification is not used, e.g. formally verifying dead lock free.